STGEC Conference

🖊️ Exhibitor Information

We are pleased to host the 54th Annual Southeastern Transportation Geotechnical Engineering Conference (STGEC). Please see the home page for more detailed location and date information.

The conference will be held in Williamsburg, VA and will provide a two and half day forum of technical seminars covering geotechnical topics related to the transportation industry. There will be breakfasts, breaks, and two receptions held in the exhibit area.

This conference is an annual event that is designed to reach members of the transportation agencies as well as the geotechnical engineering industry. The planned presentations will showcase transportation agency projects and geotechnical product use. We hope to have representation from all 12 states in the southeastern region as well as Puerto Rico.

Exhibitor table layout may be found by clicking the "Exhibitor Space Layout" link on the left menu. STGEC reserves the right to adjust the exhibitor layout as needed to accommodate conference requirements.

📑 Exhibitor Details

Prospective exhibitors should note the following:

  • Exhibitor registration fee is $1,850.00 for a standard booth (includes one conference registration; additional participants must be individually registered);
  • Late Registration fee (After August 15, 2025) is $1,950.00 for a standard booth;
  • Exhibit space includes one table, chosen online or assigned in the order of registration;
  • Phone lines will not be available;
  • Hotel will provide complimentary internet in all meeting rooms and exhibit area;
  • Setup time is from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm on Monday, September 15, 2025;
  • Displays must be removed between 3:30 pm and 5:00 pm on Wednesday, September 17, 2025;
  • No refunds will be issued after August 15, 2025; and
  • The shipping of materials to and from the facility is the responsibility of the exhibitor.

📦 Hotel Shipping & Contact Information

Vendors needing to ship items to the hotel should see the shipping and receiving policy under the "Registration Form" link on the left menu bar.

The hotel will not be responsible for any damages or loss to any packages or boxes. Hotel will assist in the return of packages but will not assume any responsibility of shipping costs or delivery, and items must be packaged and labeled by Group for return. A completed and signed Credit Card Authorization for Shipping Materials Form will be required prior to packages being processed for shipping.

If you have any questions, please email STGEC Support at